Practical Information
Means of Public transport
By Metro
Ligne 2 and 6 : Stop "Porte de Namur”
By Bus
Bus 34, 54, 71, 64 and 80 : Stop "Porte de Namur"
Bus 27, 95 and 96 Stop "Petit Sablon" in front of the petit sablon at the stop "Royale" in front of the Bozar
By Tram
Trams 92 and 93 Stop "Petit Sablon" next to « Notre Dame du Sablon »
By train
"Gare Centrale" or "Gare de Luxembourg"
Parking Poelaert-Zavel
Poelaertplein - 1000 Brussels
Tel: 02/289.12.60 - Fax: 02/289.12.79;
Parking Deux Portes
Waterloolaan 2A - 1000 Brussels
Tel: 02/549.51.60 - Fax: 02/549.51.89;
Parking Louiza - Stefania (Wiltcher’s)
Louisalaan 83A - 1060 Brussels
Tel: 02/539.25.79 - Fax: 02/538.36.86;